Georgia’s Economy Rebounding


Governor Kemp recently informed state agencies that he is projecting a drop of 11% in state tax collections for Fiscal Year 2021. This is encouraging news, as state tax collections were expected to drop much more than this. This means that the cuts that will be made in our state’s budget may be less extreme than we had previously anticipated. The House Appropriations Committee is continuing to evaluate agency budget proposals, and we look forward to getting back to work and restarting the legislative session on Monday, June 15.

Georgia’s economy is clearly rebounding more quickly than expected from the COVID-19 economic slowdown. National unemployment rates have gone down as states continue to reopen, and many Americans are getting back to work. These are all positive signs for our state and national economies, and we hope these trends will continue. As we move forward, tough decisions will be required and circumstances may change, but rest assured that we will continue to be thoughtful regarding the needs of Georgians.

As I’m sure many of you have, I have watched the recent news with deep sadness. Clearly our state and our country have additional work left to do. That work begins in our homes, in our churches, and in our schools. We all have a responsibility to move toward solutions that empower all Georgians and ensure a bright and fair future for ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren. As we go forward during this time, we should continue to listen to and learn from those around us. 

Next Tuesday, June 9, is Election Day, and I encourage you all to cast your vote and make your voice heard. The privilege of voting to determine by whom you are represented is one that should not be taken lightly and one that you want to exercise each time you are given the opportunity. 


End of Session in Sight


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