Congratulations to our Graduates


We continue to prepare for our return to the legislative session in June and to complete the business of the legislature and pass a budget for the upcoming year along with other important priorities that will benefit Georgians. We also have been pleased to hear that testing options for COVID-19 throughout the state continues to expand and more and more Georgians have access to testing. Just this week, CVS announced the opening of twenty-three additional drive-thru testing sites throughout the state, including three in the Savannah area. 

On Monday, May 25, our country celebrated Memorial Day. Typically, this day is spent with family and friends; however, this year’s celebrations will be different in many ways due to the impact of COVID-19. It is important that we remember the reason that the day exists - to honor Americans lost in military service defending the freedoms that we hold dear. I encourage you all to embrace this chance to honor the memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf.

This time of year, we all would normally be preparing to attend graduation ceremonies and celebrations for high school and college students who have worked so hard to accomplish these momentous goals. To those of you who planned to be celebrating a graduation this spring, we want you to know that, although this time period looks completely different than you and your families may have expected, your achievements and hard work have not gone unnoticed. As you move on to the next stage of your life, I hope you will take these words to heart: “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” We are living through a time where difficulties are many and opportunities seem few, but I encourage you to put effort into seeing the opportunities and overcoming the difficulties. Dayle and I celebrate each and every one of you and your successes, in and out of the classroom. Congratulations to you all! 

As businesses and restaurants continue to open (or reopen) their doors to customers in a very different environment than what we are all used to, please continue to follow social distancing guidelines, wash your hands, and be safe.  If you have any feedback, do not hesitate to call (404.656.5052), e-mail (, or engage on Facebook ( If you would like to receive email updates, please visit my website to sign up for my newsletter or email me. It is an honor to represent you in the General Assembly, and I look forward to seeing you soon.


Georgia’s Economy Rebounding


Exciting news for Screven County and its students