The Unofficial Start of Summer


In recent weeks, the children of District 159 have wrapped up their school year - creating not just opportunities for summer vacations and time at the beach or the pool, but a chance to learn important lessons outside the classroom as well.  

Effingham Veterans Commemoration

Last week, our nation paused on Memorial Day to remember veterans who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. 

While unfortunately some have forgotten the meaning of this important holiday, I am proud that in District 159, many in our community ensure that we never forget these men and women who so bravely fought for us.

At Effingham County’s annual commemoration, moved indoors from our Veterans Memorial Park in Springfield because of weather issues, our veterans were remembered - as was the service of a tenacious member of our community, Ruth Lee.

Ruth led the effort - years in the making - to raise funds and plan this amazing ongoing memorial to veterans in District 159, and was honored for her dedication last Monday.

I believe that Ruth Lee’s service to our community can be a lesson for the youth in all of our communities – a learning experience during their annual summer break. 

Summer Opportunities

The communities of District 159 are wonderful about providing opportunities for our youth, and this summer is no exception. 

Parks and Recreation Departments in our counties have robust summer camp programs, which you can learn about from each county department - Bulloch -

Effingham -

Screven -

Our business communities continue to have needs for employees, and a summer job can be a great opportunity to develop a strong work ethic. 

Our churches are offering Vacation Bible School opportunities available to the entire community. 

And of course, as we can see from Ruth Lee’s example, volunteering in the community is always a rewarding opportunity and time well spent.   


District 159 and nearby communities provide great opportunities for our youth, as long as they are willing to seek them out. 

I encourage young people to take advantage of the summer break in new and different ways, learning every step of the way. 

Always remember that should you have questions, comments, or concerns about issues affecting District 159 and our region of Georgia you can always reach out to me at 404.656.5052,, or on Facebook at


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