Thanking Senator Isakson for his Service to America


As we begin a new year, I wanted to look back and reflect on the life of a giant of Georgia politics, Senator Johnny Isakson. Senator Isakson had a long and impactful career in public service. He served as a member and the minority leader for the Republican caucus in the Georgia House of Representatives and as a State Senator before becoming a member of the United States Congress, and finally as a United States Senator. 

One of my mentors, former State Representative Herb Jones, now a resident of Effingham County, was a colleague and longtime friend of Senator Isakson. Over the years, when I spoke to the Senator and mentioned “Herb”, he always got a twinkle in his eye and asked how Herb was doing and wanted me to tell him hello. He always remembered his friends. 

Senator Isakson was known as a consensus builder, no matter where he served. His underlying lifelong commitment to always working on bettering the lives of future generations is best illustrated by his “Six Silent Secrets” speech he gave to graduating classes over the years.  

This new year brings a blank canvas of opportunities and experiences to learn and be better than the day before, and to prepare and plan for the future ahead. Senator Isakson loved this country and by his service, he absolutely made Georgia and America a better place. I hope that we all will continue in his efforts in 2022! As always, if you have any feedback, please do not hesitate to call (404.656.5052), email (, or engage on Facebook ( If you would like to receive email updates, please visit my website to sign up for my newsletter or email me.


Beginning the 2022 Georgia Legislative Session


Good Tidings of Great Joy