Saluting Those Who Have Served

Last week, we had the annual observance of Veterans Day across our country – recognizing the service and sacrifice of those who have worn our nation’s uniform and defended our freedoms.

The United States of America is blessed with the best-trained, most formidable fighting force the world has ever known.  Thanks to the generations of Americans who have come before us, America’s military might is unmatched and sets the global standard.

With that supremacy, there can come a temptation to rest on our laurels – to take for granted that America is destined to always be a global superpower.  It is a temptation that can spell disaster if we are not careful.

As we have seen recently with Israel battling Hamas terrorists, some enemies can only be stopped by the sword.  As awful as that situation is, it is a powerful reminder that but for the brave men and women of our armed forces, America would be targeted by similar foes.    

While I served in the Georgia Army National Guard, I’m also blessed to serve in the Georgia House of Representatives with a large number of distinguished veterans – from both sides of the political aisle.  We stand united in our belief – our conviction – that America must never become complacent.

That’s why, in Georgia, we support our servicemen and women.  The House Committee on Defense and Veterans Affairs, headed by Chairman Josh Bonner, leads our efforts to examine how the State of Georgia can continually contribute to America’s overall readiness.  Further, they see how we can support currently-serving members of the armed forces and our veterans.

In recent years, working with Governor Brian Kemp, we have passed initiatives to reduce the tax burden on military retirement income.  We have also expanded funding for mental health services for veterans as we come to understand more about the strain that service can sometimes cause.

Looking forward, those of us in the House of Representatives will work with our colleagues in the Senate and with Governor Kemp to ensure that military spouses have an easier time applying for professional licenses when required for their jobs.  We know that taking care of military families is a vital part of ensuring their loved ones can serve our nation to the best of their ability.  

Georgia is proud to be one of the nation’s most military-friendly states.  More than 62,000 active duty personnel are stationed at military installations across our state.  When you include the National Guard, Reserves, and civilian employees, the total number of service members in Georgia exceeds 120,000.  Further, almost 700,000 veterans call Georgia home.

We take seriously our duty – our sacred obligation – to be there for those who have answered the nation’s call to serve and put themselves in harm’s way for their country.  Just as we must never grow complacent regarding our security, so too must we never forget what has made America great – the courage of our service members and the blessings of Almighty God.

We reaffirm the words of the seldom-used fourth verse of our national anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner:

“Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto – ‘In God is our trust,’
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

May God continue to bless our United States of America and all of the brave men and women who keep ours the land of the free and the home of the brave.  


In this time of Thanksgiving…


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