Prioritizing our Local Communities


Last week at the Capitol we passed several pieces of legislation that will have a direct impact on the people and communities that I am privileged to represent.  

Local Redistricting Legislation

Every 10 years after the results of the Census become available, part of our job in the legislature is to work with local communities to revise local County Commission and School Board districts to ensure that all Georgians are fairly represented not just in Washington and in Atlanta, but also close to home. With significant population changes in the counties I represent, I know how important it is to the communities to enact these bills on time. 

That is why I worked with elected officials and my constituents in each of the counties I represent, listening to community input as our delegations developed this important legislation. Working with my colleagues here in the General Assembly including Senator Billy Hickman, Senator Max Burns, Representative Jan Tankersley, Representative Butch Parrish, and Representative Bill Hitchens, we passed legislation accomplishing each of these goals for Effingham and Screven Counties last week, while Bulloch County legislation passed earlier in the session. Governor Kemp has signed all local redistricting bills for every county in District 159. 

Regional Development Authorities

As Georgia’s economy has continued to grow under Republican leadership, we have seen that the impacts of development and new jobs nearly always stretch across multiple counties. That is why I was glad to support House Bill 1044 this week, which allows adjacent counties additional opportunities to work together to bring these types of regional projects to our state and their communities. HB 1044, sponsored by Representative Clay Pirkle, allows counties to create regional development authorities with several of their neighbors, naming a board of directors that meets regularly, develops a business plan, and owns property. These Authorities will encourage counties to work together to develop sites to serve growing Georgia businesses, offering tax credits for new jobs created while giving counties a seat at the table as projects are planned nearby that will impact them.

Stopping Criminal Gangs

The House also passed House Bill 1134 last week. HB 1134, sponsored by Representative Chuck Efstration, will give the state the ability to assist local governments in not just investigating gang crimes, but in prosecuting them. One-hundred fifty-five of our 159 counties have reported a gang presence in their schools; this is an issue affecting all corners of the state, and I was glad to support this legislation to provide this needed assistance.  

Visits from My Constituents

I was happy to welcome visitors from home last week, including many realtors and mortgage lenders that are so important as our communities continue to grow. I always love welcoming folks from home to the Capitol during our legislative session, and encourage you to let me know about any planned visits.  

As you learn about issues that concern you or have questions about the work I am doing on your behalf in Atlanta, do not hesitate to reach out to me at 404.656.5052,, or on Facebook at You can always watch session proceedings and our committee hearings at I look forward to hearing from you.


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Passing the FY2022 Amended Budget