Georgia House Majority Leader Jon Burns Endorses Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue

NEWINGTON, GA – Majority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives Jon Burns today announced his endorsement of U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler and U.S. Senator David Perdue’s reelection campaign:

On November 3rd, Georgians saw first-hand the result of the hundreds of millions of dollars liberal, dark-money groups have poured into our conservative state over the past few months. Now, the eyes of the nation have turned to Georgia, and our two United States Senate seats will determine whether the U.S. Senate remains in Republican hands or becomes merely a rubber stamp for the national Democrats’ extremist agenda. Our nation’s status as a land of opportunity and freedom is on the line, and Kelly and David are the only ones who stand between American families and socialism.

Make no mistake, the stakes could not be higher: unified, Democratic control in Washington means higher taxes, job-killing regulation, and an embrace of socialist policies that will quickly erode the free-market foundations that have made our nation the envy of the world. With Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in the U.S. Senate, Georgia is represented by two successful business executives -- individuals who have created jobs, built businesses, and lived the American dream. They are committed to results rather than empty rhetoric and will work tirelessly to better this state and her people. Kelly and David lead our state with a servant’s heart -- but fight with the tenacity that Georgians are known for -- and I am proud to announce my wholehearted support of these tremendous public servants!


Ensuring the Accuracy of Georgia’s Election Results


Rep. Jon Burns Re-Elected House Majority Leader