Continuing to Build Georgia’s National and International Cybersecurity Role 


As you may know, in recent weeks I was part of a trade delegation to Israel with Governor Kemp, Senate President Pro Tempore John F. Kennedy of Macon, Chairman Shaw Blackmon of Bonaire, and other state leaders.  We had a chance to see many of the important historical holy sites and industries that support Israel’s economic development.

At the same time, I had the opportunity to meet with many Israeli leaders and learn about some of the great strides Israel has taken in the field of cybersecurity.  As one of the only democracies in the region, Israel has always been and remains a great ally of the United States.  

While in Israel, I was excited to have the chance to visit the center of Israel’s growing cybersecurity community in Be’er-Sheva.  In the desert sixty miles south of Jerusalem, Be’er-Sheva has grown in recent years as an international center for cybersecurity. 

Through conversations with leaders from Ben-Gurion University, the United States-Israel Business Alliance, and others, we were able to learn about the thriving cyber community Israel has created through partnerships between the private sector, academia, and government.  

Similarly, Georgia has been working to do the same in the Augusta area.  At the Georgia Cyber Center on the Nathan Deal Campus for Innovation in Augusta, state investments are linking Israel’s academia with business and the government presence in the area.

This relationship has only grown with the U.S. Army Cybercommand’s move to Fort Gordon and the talented soldiers being trained at the Army’s Cyber Center of Excellence. We should all be proud that Georgia has established this cyber center.  

Georgia will continue to develop this expertise in Augusta and elsewhere - building on past support from Governor Deal,  present support from Governor Brian Kemp, Augusta area legislators, and Augusta University and the Board of Regents. 

Georgia is uniquely positioned to maintain our cybersecurity leadership role not just nationally but globally. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the legislature to ensure our continued excellence in this growing field. 

Always remember that should you have questions about my work as your Representative or as Speaker of the House, you can always reach out to me at 404.656.5020,, or on Facebook at  If you wish to sign up for my weekly emailed newsletter, visit to sign up.


Georgia’s Strong Economic Relationship with Israel


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