Caring for Georgians on Valentine’s Day


Over the last week, many Georgians observed Valentine’s Day.

Whether candy or a card exchange at school, roses or a simple gift for a spouse, or simply words of appreciation, I know that folks in the 159th District and statewide took advantage of an opportunity last week to show that they care for their friends, family, and loved ones. 

In the House of Representatives, we were also presented with opportunities to care for our fellow Georgians.  We passed several pieces of legislation last week that address healthcare and education needs.  

According to the Georgia Department of Public Health, one million Georgians are affected by diabetes.  In recent years, significant technological advancements, particularly continuous glucose monitors, have drastically improved lives. People are no longer required to guess at their blood sugar or undergo constant finger pricks and tests. With a sensor and a simple phone app, Georgians can check their blood sugar and respond just as easily as checking an email or a text message. 

To simplify the process to get these devices for diabetic Georgians in rural areas, we passed HB 143, which will allow Georgians on Medicaid - particularly those in rural areas - to receive these continuous glucose monitors closer to home. 

To simplify and streamline cancer diagnosis and care, we passed HB 85, which will require health insurance coverage of biomarker testing.  With 21st century testing technologies, Georgia’s doctors can know the best way to treat each individual patient before their care begins, rather than having to engage in a taxing trial and error effort. 

To ensure that Georgia’s poorest mothers have the ability to provide for themselves and their unborn children, the House of Representatives passed HB 129, which expands TANF benefits to cover expectant mothers, without requiring them to wait until after the birth of their children. 

In order for our educators and our students to succeed, they need an up to date and welcoming place to teach.  In order to address the building and infrastructure needs of our schools, we passed HB 81.  This legislation is designed to provide grants for some of our school systems that have the greatest unfunded needs around the state.  

These school systems - primarily in rural areas where property tax and sales tax revenue don’t provide the income of a wealthier suburban or urban system - are often managing older school buildings that often need improvements or replacement to best serve their students.  With this legislation, we hope to help meet some of those needs around the state. 

We also passed HB 87, the Nontraditional Special Schools Act.  In recent years Georgia educators have done amazing work to reduce the dropout rate and impress upon students the importance of a high school diploma.  That said, there are still thousands of students statewide who drop out or fail to graduate high school, often because the 7am to 3pm, Monday through Friday model doesn’t work for them.  

This legislation would provide a path for school systems around the state to work together to create programs that help students cross the finish line, through a combination of evening and online courses designed to meet the needs of every student under their care. 

Currently some of Georgia’s larger school districts have programs like this that work to great effect; this legislation would allow our smaller systems to group together regionally to provide the same resources.  

As legislation like this, and other efforts to appropriately meet the healthcare and educational needs of Georgians moves through the legislative process, I look forward to working with Lieutenant Governor Burt Jones, Governor Kemp, and all of Georgia’s elected officials to serve you and your family. 

Remember that should you have questions about my work as your Representative or as Speaker of the House, you can always reach out to me at 404.656.5020,, or on Facebook at  If you wish to sign up for my weekly emailed newsletter, visit to sign up.


Meeting the Needs of Georgians


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